Power and Networking: A Framework for Predicting Demand
David Burnett, November 2001
Knowledge is power, and networks empower. To understand future demand in networking, don't just look at the direct applications of the products or services--look at the empowering forces of the technology. Within this framework for predicting future demand, a cursory knowledge of political theory proves as useful as technology savvy. |
The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: The Economic Effects of September 11th in India
David Burnett, September 2001
During recessions, companies have a tendency to slash expenditures and re-focus on their core offerings. This means many firms will reduce spending on research and development and put a freeze on investing in new products. The rewards of cost-consciousness and labor arbitrage initially brought new U.S. customers to many Indian services companies. However, recessions precipitate decreased budgets for technology expenditure, including outsourcing. If the self-fulfilling prophecy completely unfolds, Indian technology companies will inevitably feel its effects as U.S. enterprises decrease their spending on IT contracts. |
Precocious Youth: Maxis Communications is a Startup the Leads the Pack: An Interview with Dato' Jamaludin Ibrahim, CEO of Maxis Communications in Malaysia
David Burnett, September 2001
At just six years old, Maxis Communications might seem young to be Malaysia's leading mobile telco. However, despite its relative youth, the company has matured rapidly and amassed the country's largest subscriber base of more than 2 million users. But Maxis is not yet satisfied: it has its eyes set on future growth and regional expansion-and there has been no shortage of rumors about its aggressive search for a new international partner. Maxis CEO Dato' Jamaludin Ibrahim speaks about the company's success to date and its future plans for growth. |
The Next Net Frontiers: Mobile Space, Name Space, and Open Space: Madanmohan Rao reports from the Global Internet Summit in Stockholm
Madanmohan Rao, June 2001
Scaleable and seamless extension of the Internet to mobile devices, the solar system in open space, and user-friendly names for online resources are some of the next frontiers of today's Internet, according to its leading developers and shapers. |
E-businesses and Online Consumers Must Make Security Their Top Concern: Madanmohan Rao interviews Srivats Sampath, CEO, McAfee
Madanmohan Rao, May 2001
Most of those who have ever booted up a PC will have noticed the presence of McAfee security software. Since December 1998, Srivats Sampath has been the president and CEO of McAfee, the world's leading security ASP. His fifteen years of experience in the IT sector includes head of marketing at Network Associates and Netscape Communications, and other positions at Central Point Software and Intel. |
Rural Rescue: Grameen Telecom Spearheads Rural Technopreneurship: An Interview with M. Masud Isa, CEO and Managing Director of Grameen Telecom
David Burnett, April 2001
In 1994, Grameen Bank embarked on a new mission. Driven by the belief that poverty largely exists because of a lack of information, the Bank began investigating the benefits of telecommunications access in rural Bangladesh. In order to overcome the obstacles of a lack of landlines and access, Professor Muhammad Yunnus created Grameen Telecom to spearhead the deployment of mobile phones and a new style of entrepreneurship in the rural areas of Bangladesh. |
Tracking Indian Netizens: Madanmohan Rao reviews Q4 2000 findings of IndiaMeter.com
Madanmohan Rao, April 2001
Bangalore-based Internet research firm IndiaMeter.com has just released its findings of surfing behaviour for the quarter October-December 2000, and reports that among a sample of Indian surfers the portal Yahoo has maximum reach, followed by the Microsoft-owned sites MSN.com and Passport.com and then Rediff.com. |
Who Are You? Creating a Personal and Purposeful Definition for the Entrepreneur
David Burnett, March 2001
One of the most common keys to the success of entrepreneurs is that they see and do things differently. With that said, it makes sense that a one-size-fits-all definition for the entrepreneur is inappropriate. In this article, David Burnett examines the importance for entrepreneurs to create personal and purposeful definitions for who they are. |
South Korea Emerges as Powerhouse in Broadband and Wireless Internet Markets: Madanmohan Rao reports from the National IT Strategies Summit in Seoul
Madanmohan Rao, March 2001
In short, when South Korea decides to embrace the Internet Age, it really means business. |
Internet Ushers in Fourth Wave of Banking and Finance Innovation in Asia: Madanmohan Rao reports from the e-Finance Asia Summit in Singapore
Madanmohan Rao, March 2001
The tech market may indeed be taking a battering on stock exchanges around the world - but practitioners of online finance seem to firmly believe that the Internet has indeed unleashed tremendous change and upheaval in their sector. |
Internet Fever Reaches the Top of the World: Madanmohan Rao reports from the InfoTech Summit 2001 in Kathmandu
Madanmohan Rao, February 2001
Sandwiched between the software powerhouse of India and the hardware dynamo of China, the mountain kingdom of Nepal also seems to be catching Internet fever. In this article, Madanmohan Rao reports from the InfoTech Summit 2001 in Kathmandu, Nepal. |
The Top 8 Reasons Why Startups Fail to Get VC Funding
Janice Loh, January 2001
In this article, Janice Loh reviews the most common reasons why startups fail to receive financing from venture capitalists. Learn from her VC experiences, and avoid the most common red flags that break deals. |
Local Community Networks: The Human Face of the Internet Economy
Madanmohan Rao, November 2000
Madanmohan Rao reports from the Community Networking Summit in Barcelona |
Technopreneurship in Singapore: Alive, Well, and Roaring for More
David Burnett, November 2000
The advent of the Internet and its related high-tech industries has introduced new avenues for entrepreneurship for the small Southeast Asian country of Singapore. As the number of local "technopreneurs" and startups has grown, the government is enthusiastically backing these new innovators with assistance, advice, and best of all, free capital. This article provides a look at this tech-savvy island's tremendous tale of technopreneurship and provides some insight for Singaporeans and non-Singaporeans alike who want to tap into this trend. |
Hunting for Heffalumps: The Supply of Entrepreneurship and Economic Development
David Burnett, September 2000
"The entrepreneurial Heffalump is a variegated sort of animal, which appears in different habitats and in different forms. It also appears to have undergone some evolutionary changes or mutations since the first reports of its existence were made public by Heffalump hunters in the past. So it is not surprising that there is disagreement about the nature of the beast" (Wilken, 1979). |
Mezzanine Finance The Resurgence of an Old Investment Tool
Janice Loh, February 2003
Mezzanine financing has long been a useful investment tool, but its prominence is on the rise. In this article, Loh Peck Kuan discusses why both investors and entrepreneurs are exhibiting a renewed interest in mezzanine finance, and how mezzanine deals compare to pure private equity and venture capital. |